All languages combined word senses marked with lifeform category "Horses"
Parent categories: Equids, Livestock, Odd-toed ungulates, Agriculture, Animals, Mammals, Applied sciences, Lifeforms, Vertebrates, Sciences, Life, Chordates, Nature
Subcategories: Animal riding, Farriery, Horse breeds, Horse colors, Horse given names, Horse racing, Horse tack
Total 3447 word senses
- Aanter … Friesian (42 senses)
- Füli … New Forester (52 senses)
- Ngọ … Thoroughbred (37 senses)
- Toom … agihon (38 senses)
- aid … assiette (46 senses)
- at … battifianco (46 senses)
- bay … box stall (49 senses)
- brace … bułany (50 senses)
- bât … caparison (39 senses)
- capel … chivalerie (50 senses)
- chmyz … crib-biting (49 senses)
- cribb … căpăstru (32 senses)
- cương … dummy foal (48 senses)
- dun … espuela (58 senses)
- est … finimento (30 senses)
- fire … fótaichríoch (44 senses)
- föl … giumenta (46 senses)
- gjem … heater (57 senses)
- heda … hobuseraud (47 senses)
- hod … horsy (48 senses)
- hoss … hồng mao (32 senses)
- iapă … jízdárna (53 senses)
- jór … kiitolaukka (45 senses)
- kili … koziniec (34 senses)
- koń … leg up (47 senses)
- lejc … madyan (48 senses)
- mago … mearh (39 senses)
- meir … märr (44 senses)
- mén … orhi (61 senses)
- ori … palan (31 senses)
- pale … plowhorse (62 senses)
- plug … ponei (26 senses)
- poni … pónei (45 senses)
- póni … redine (45 senses)
- rein … rudas (48 senses)
- ruin … seglot (55 senses)
- sele … skewbald (51 senses)
- slě … stagún (25 senses)
- stail … stábla (47 senses)
- stęp … thắng đái (60 senses)
- thớt … tygel (36 senses)
- täkk … voikko (44 senses)
- volt … yaboo (50 senses)
- yal … çapağan (45 senses)
- çul … žvala (49 senses)
- آت … ئۈزەڭگە (11 senses)
- ئەسپ … استام (9 senses)
- اسپ … برذعة (11 senses)
- برذون … تلیسه (11 senses)
- توسن … حكمة (12 senses)
- حلس … رحالة (10 senses)
- رحل … سوار (14 senses)
- سوط … شیده (8 senses)
- صفة … قوسقون (12 senses)
- قوش … لبادة (10 senses)
- لبب … نعلبندلق (13 senses)
- نمط … چوقال (12 senses)
- چول … یوند (10 senses)
- ախոռ (Noun) [Armenian] stable, stall (usually for horses)
- ախոռ (Noun) [Old Armenian] stall, stable for horses and donkeys
- աշխետ (Adjective) [Armenian] having yellowish-reddish color, bay
- աշխէտ (Adjective) [Old Armenian] reddish; of a fiery colour
- ասպազէն (Adjective) [Old Armenian] armed and mounted on a horse
- ասպանդակ (Noun) [Armenian] stirrup
- ասպաստան (Noun) [Old Armenian] stable (for horses)
- դանդանավանդ (Noun) [Armenian] gag
- դանդանաւանդ (Noun) [Old Armenian] bit (piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to the reins to direct the animal)
- երասան (Noun) [Armenian] bridle
- երասան (Noun) [Old Armenian] bridle, curb, rein, snaffle; halter; scratch, bit
- երիվար (Noun) [Armenian] saddle horse
- երիվար (Noun) [Old Armenian] saddle horse, riding horse
- զամբիկ (Noun) [Armenian] mare (female horse)
- թամբ (Noun) [Armenian] flank (of an animal)
- թամբ (Noun) [Old Armenian] thighbone with the flesh on it, ham
- թշու (Noun) [Armenian] hobble (used to fasten together the legs of a horse)
- լկամ (Noun) [Armenian] bit (piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to the reins to direct the animal)
- լկամ (Noun) [Middle Armenian] bit (piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to the reins to direct the animal)
- խրխնջալ (Verb) [Armenian] to neigh
- ձի (Noun) [Armenian] knight
- ձի (Noun) [Old Armenian] horse
- ճախանոց (Noun) [Old Armenian] hobble
- ճանճկէն (Adjective) [Old Armenian] black and white spotted; flea-bitten
- ճարտուկ (Adjective) [Armenian] grey
- ճարտուկ (Adjective) [Old Armenian] grey
- ճերմակ (Adjective) [Old Armenian] white
- նալ (Noun) [Armenian] horseshoe
- նժոյգ (Noun) [Old Armenian] chosen superb horse; fresh horse, relay, led-horse; prancer; courser
- նժույգ (Noun) [Armenian] vault, vaulting horse, horse
- ոտնակապ (Noun) [Armenian] hobble
- չիդար (Noun) [Armenian] hobble (used to fasten together the legs of a horse)
- պայտ (Noun) [Armenian] horseshoe
- սանձ (Noun) [Armenian] bit (metal in horse's mouth)
- սանձ (Noun) [Old Armenian] bit (metal in horse's mouth)
- փարախ (Noun) [Armenian] sheepfold, shed
- তাসী ঘোঁৰা (Noun) [Assamese] Przewalski's horse
- ᏐᏈᎵ (Noun) [Cherokee] horse
- 三連単 … 単勝式 (9 senses)
- 大宛 … 手綱 (11 senses)
- 披士 … 烏騅馬 (12 senses)
- 無印 … 絵馬 (12 senses)
- 翰 … 跑馬地 (10 senses)
- 蹄 … 雌馬 (12 senses)
- 鞍 … 馬具 (9 senses)
- 馬券 … 馬母 (11 senses)
- 馬番 … 駑駘 (12 senses)
- 駒 … 騊駼 (11 senses)
- 騋 … 騪 (10 senses)
- 騬 … 龍馬 (15 senses)
- ϩⲧⲁ (Noun) [Coptic] horse
- ϩⲧⲟ (Noun) [Coptic] horse
- ⲥⲏϫ (Noun) [Coptic] colt, foal
- 𒀲𒆳𒊏𒍑 (Noun) [Hittite] horse
- 𒊍𒍪𒍑 (Noun) [Luwian] horse
- айаас … атыыр (13 senses)
- ајам … бурый (16 senses)
- бӕх … голобля (13 senses)
- гүү … ждријебе (17 senses)
- жерав … иһэҥэ (13 senses)
- йылҡы … комоница (19 senses)
- кон … кхела (15 senses)
- кыл … мерин (11 senses)
- миин … пастух (18 senses)
- пегий … саврасый (14 senses)
- самар … сулар (17 senses)
- сур … удила (14 senses)
- узда … цулбуур (15 senses)
- чань … ђогат (17 senses)
- ѓем … өҙәңге (13 senses)
- ልጋም (Noun) [Tigre] bridle
- ልጓም (Noun) [Amharic] bridle
- ልጓም (Noun) [Ge'ez] bridle
- ልጓም (Noun) [Tigrinya] bridle
- ኮር (Noun) [Amharic] saddle
- ኮር (Noun) [Ge'ez] saddle
- ኮር (Noun) [Tigre] saddle
- ኮር (Noun) [Tigrinya] saddle
- ኵርጂ (Noun) [Tigrinya] pannier, saddlebag behind the saddle
- ዘናብ (Noun) [Tigre] crupper
- აღვირი (Noun) [Georgian] bridle, rein, snaffle, snaffle-bit
- დოჼ (Noun) [Bats] horse
- კვიცი (Noun) [Georgian] foal, colt
- კიცჳ (Noun) [Old Georgian] colt
- კურია (Noun) [Georgian] foal, coal
- ლაგამი (Noun) [Georgian] bridle, halter
- პალანი (Noun) [Georgian] packsaddle
- უზანგი (Noun) [Georgian] stirrup
- ულაყი (Noun) [Georgian] stallion
- უნაგირი (Noun) [Georgian] saddle
- უნაგირი (Noun) [Old Georgian] saddle
- ქვირა (Noun) [Georgian] foal, colt
- ქვირა (Noun) [Mingrelian] foal, colt
- ქვირანაჸი (Noun) [Georgian] foal, colt
- ქურანი (Noun) [Georgian] foal up to three years old
- ქურანი (Proper name) [Mingrelian] Persia
- ცხენი (Noun) [Georgian] horse
- ჭი̄მა (Noun) [Svan] pubic hair
- ჴადალ (Noun) [Bats] mare (female horse)
- 𐌰𐌹𐍈𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] horse
- 𐍆𐌿𐌻𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] colt (young male equid)
- Πήδασος (Proper name) [Ancient Greek] Pedasus, the name of a Trojan soldier mentioned in the Iliad
- Πράσινοι (Proper name) [Ancient Greek] the Greens, one of the usual chariot-racing factions of Rome, Constantinople, and other major cities of the empire
- άλογο (Noun) [Greek] horse
- άλογο (Noun) [Greek] male horse, stallion
- άλογο (Noun) [Greek] knight, a colloquial alternative of ίππος (íppos)
- άλογο (Noun) [Greek] horsepower, a collloquial alternative of ίππος (íppos) (for engines of cars)
- άτι (Noun) [Greek] steed
- ίππος (Noun) [Greek] pommel horse
- ακαλίγωτος (Adjective) [Greek] unshoed, unshod
- ακαπίστρωτος (Adjective) [Greek] unbridled, without a bridle or halter
- ακρωμία (Noun) [Greek] withers
- αλογάκι (Noun) [Greek] hobby horse, rocking horse
- αλογάκι (Noun) [Greek] roundabout, gallopers
- αλογάς (Noun) [Greek] horseman, ostler, stableman
- αλογίνα (Noun) [Greek] female horse, mare
- αλογίσιος (Adjective) [Greek] horsey, horse
- αλογατάκι (Noun) [Greek] foal, young horse.
- αλογατάκι (Noun) [Greek] hobby horse, rocking horse
- αλογατάκι (Noun) [Greek] cranefly, daddy longlegs
- αλογατάρης (Noun) [Greek] horseman, ostler, stableman
- αλόγα (Noun) [Greek] female horse, mare
- αναβατήρας (Noun) [Greek] stirrup
- αναβολέας (Noun) [Greek] stirrup
- απέταλος (Adjective) [Greek] unshoed, unshod
- απετάλωτος (Adjective) [Greek] unshoed, unshod
- βέρεδος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] veredus, posthorse
- δίδυμο (Noun) [Greek] duet
- ιππικός (Adjective) [Greek] horse (attributive), equestrian
- κέλης (Noun) [Ancient Greek] female genitals
- καβάλα (Noun) [Greek] equestrianism, horsemanship
- καβάλλης (Noun) [Ancient Greek] nag, old and useless horse
- καπίστρι (Noun) [Greek] halter, headstall (headgear for animal)
- κεκρύφαλος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] reticulum, the second stomach of ruminants
- πέταλο (Noun) [Greek] U-shaped road
- παρωπίδα (Noun) [Greek] blinker (UK):, blinder (US): (usually in the plural; worn by horses)
- πνιγεύς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] damper, cover for a stove
- πνιγεύς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] hydraulic instrument in which air is pent up
- πνιγεύς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] muzzle for horses
- πουλάρι (Noun) [Greek] foal (infant or young horse, donkey or mule)
- πόρπαξ (Noun) [Ancient Greek] handle of a shield, probably a ring or loop inside the shield, which could be taken out at pleasure
- πῶλος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] a Corinthian coin, from the figure of Pegasus on it
- σάγμα (Noun) [Ancient Greek] A covering, a clothing; the covering of a shield
- σέλα (Noun) [Greek] saddle
- σαγματοπασμαγάδια (Noun) [Ancient Greek] saddle and welding blanket
- σαμάρι (Noun) [Greek] packsaddle, bat
- σκαῦρος (Adjective) [Ancient Greek] possessing skewed or deviating hooves
- στομίδα (Noun) [Greek] bit (part of horse's headgear)
- στόμιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] any aperture or opening
- τρίβολος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] part of the bit of a bridle
- φάλαρον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] ornaments, decorations
- φοράδα (Noun) [Greek] mare (female horse)
- φοραδίτσα (Noun) [Greek] filly, young mare
- χαλινάρι (Noun) [Greek] bridle (headgear for horse, including bit and reins)
- χαλινός (Noun) [Ancient Greek] anything that restrains from the outer
- χαλινός (Noun) [Greek] formal variant of χαλινάρι (chalinári, “bridle; bit”)
- ψάλιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] curb chain
- ψαλόν (Noun) [Ancient Greek] a kind of bridle, a curb chain
- ἀνθήλιον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] packsaddle, bat, a saddle designed to secure and carry goods on the back of an animal
- ἀστράβη (Noun) [Ancient Greek] comfortable saddle for an ass or a mule
- ἄμπυξ (Noun) [Ancient Greek] woman's diadem, frontlet
- ἐχήνια (Noun) [Ancient Greek] part of a bridle or bit
- ἔποχον (Noun) [Ancient Greek] saddlecloth, housing
- ἡνία (Noun) [Ancient Greek] rein, bridle
- ἵππος (Noun) [Ancient Greek] cavalry, horsemen
- ὑποστόμια (Noun) [Ancient Greek] small tags of iron on the bit
- ῥυτήρ (Noun) [Ancient Greek] saviour, guard, defender
- ῥυταγωγεύς (Noun) [Ancient Greek] rope of a horse's halter
- પલાણ (Noun) [Gujarati] saddle, packsaddle
- પેંગડું (Noun) [Gujarati] stirrup
- લગામ (Noun) [Gujarati] bridle
- ਘੋੜਸਵਾਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] equestrian, horseman, jockey
- ਘੋੜਸਾਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] horse stable
- ਘੋੜਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] knight
- ਘੋੜੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] mare
- ਟੱਟੂ (Noun) [Punjabi] pony
- ਭਾੜੇ ਦੇ ਟੱਟੂ (Noun) [Punjabi] hired pony
- ਲਗਾਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] bridle
- ᄆᆞᆯ (Noun) [Jeju] horse
- ᄆᆞᆯ (Noun) [Jeju] Alternative form of ᄆᆞᆷ (mawm, “gulfweed”)
- ᄆᆞᆯ (Noun) [Middle Korean] horse
- ᄉᆞ수매 (Noun) [Jeju] a four year-old horse
- 경마 (Noun) [Korean] horse race
- 경마장 (Noun) [Korean] racetrack
- 구수매 (Noun) [Jeju] a nine year-old horse
- 금승매 (Noun) [Jeju] a one-year-old horse
- 등자 (Noun) [Korean] stirrup
- 마유 (Noun) [Korean] mare's milk
- 말 (Noun) [Korean] language
- 말 (Noun) [Korean] seaweed, specifically Potamogeton oxyphyllus.
- 말채 (Noun) [Korean] horsewhip
- 망아지 (Noun) [Korean] foal, colt
- 백마 (Noun) [Korean] white horse
- 별박이 (Noun) [Korean] a horse with a white "star" on its forehead
- 삼수매 (Noun) [Jeju] Alternative form of 삼쉬매 (samswimae, “a three year-old horse”)
- 삼쉬매 (Noun) [Jeju] a three year-old horse
- 수말 (Noun) [Korean] stallion (male horse)
- 승마 (Noun) [Korean] horseback riding, equestrianism
- 십수매 (Noun) [Jeju] a ten year-old horse
- 안장 (Noun) [Korean] saddle
- 암말 (Noun) [Korean] mare (female horse)
- 역마 (Noun) [Korean] posthorse
- 오수매 (Noun) [Jeju] a five year-old horse
- 이수매 (Noun) [Jeju] a two-year-old horse
- 조랑말 (Noun) [Korean] pony
- 천리마 (Noun) [Korean] Chollima, a mythical Korean winged horse
- 칠수매 (Noun) [Jeju] a seven year-old horse
- 팔수매 (Noun) [Jeju] an eight year-old horse
- אָגער (Noun) [Yiddish] stallion (uncastrated male horse)
- זשאָקיי (Noun) [Yiddish] jockey (competitive horse rider)
- פּאָלאָ (Noun) [Yiddish] polo (ball game)
- פֿערד (Noun) [Yiddish] horse
- פֿערדל (Noun) [Yiddish] hobby
- いななく (Verb) [Japanese] to neigh (of a horse: to make its cry)
- うまごみ (Noun) [Japanese] crowd of horses
- おおあな (Noun) [Japanese] dark horse; or the money gained from successfully betting on a dark horse
- かけあし (Noun) [Japanese] being hurried; hurrying
- かけあし (Noun) [Japanese] 駈歩, 駆歩: (equestrianism) canter, the fastest speed at which a horse moves
- かけあし (Verb) [Japanese] to run
- かけあし (Verb) [Japanese] 駈歩, 駆歩: (equestrianism)
- せめうま (Noun) [Japanese] horse training
- ウンマ (Noun) [Ainu] horse
- サラブレッド (Noun) [Japanese] a thoroughbred (thoroughbred horse (breed))
- ジョッキー (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 騎手 (kishu, “jockey”) (one who rides racehorses competitively)
- ダート (Noun) [Japanese] Clipping of ダートコース (dāto kōsu, “dirt course”).
- ダービー (Noun) [Japanese] derby (horse race)
- バレット (Noun) [Japanese] valet
- ポニー (Noun) [Japanese] a pony (small horse)
- ポロ (Noun) [Japanese] polo (ball game)
- マスタング (Noun) [Japanese] a mustang (horse)
- បង្ហៀរ (Verb) [Khmer] to let or cause to overflow, to drain
- សេះ (Noun) [Khmer] knight
- ကုန်းနှီး (Noun) [Burmese] saddle
- ဇက်ခွံ့ (Noun) [Burmese] bridle (of a horse)
- မြင်း (Noun) [Burmese] knight (both in Western chess and in Burmese chess, also known as sittuyin)
- မြင်းကလေး (Noun) [Burmese] foal
- မြင်းမ (Noun) [Burmese] mare
- မြင်းမကလေး (Noun) [Burmese] filly
- ᦙᦱᧉ (Noun) [Lü] horse
- 𐎠𐎿 (Noun) [Old Persian] horse
- 𐎠𐎿𐎱 (Noun) [Old Persian] horse
- 𐎠𐎿𐎲𐎠𐎼 (Noun) [Old Persian] horseman
- கடிவாளம் (Noun) [Tamil] a bridle
- சாரன் (Noun) [Tamil] paramour
- అశ్వము (Noun) [Telugu] horse
- ఆడగుర్రం (Noun) [Telugu] mare (adult female horse)
- కాంభోజము (Noun) [Telugu] a horse bred in that country
- గుర్రము (Noun) [Telugu] knight
- గుఱ్ఱము (Noun) [Telugu] horse
- ఘోటకము (Noun) [Telugu] horse
- ఘోటిక (Noun) [Telugu] mare
- తురగము (Noun) [Telugu] horse
- పలుపు (Noun) [Telugu] a halter for cattle or horses; the rope collar for oxen in a cart
- బడబ (Noun) [Telugu] a mare
- బాహ్లికము (Adjective) [Telugu] brought from Balkh
- మల్లికాక్షము (Noun) [Telugu] a kind of heron or swan with dark legs and light eyes
- రవుతు (Noun) [Telugu] a trooper, rider, horseman
- రౌతు (Noun) [Telugu] a trooper, rider, horseman
- వారువము (Noun) [Telugu] horse
- హయము (Noun) [Telugu] horse
- హయమేధము (Noun) [Telugu] the sacrifice of a horse
- హయవాహనుడు (Noun) [Telugu] a name of Kubera who rides on a horse
- హరి (Noun) [Telugu] a name of Vishnu
- އަސް (Noun) [Dhivehi] horse
- ม้า (Noun) [Thai] (Classifier: ตัว); horse: the mammal Equus caballus of the family Equidae.
- ม้า (Noun) [Thai] (Classifier: ตัว); any of various crabs of the genus Portunus, the family Portunidae.
- ม้า (Noun) [Thai] (Classifier: ตัว); Boeseman croaker: the fish Boesemania microlepis of the family Sciaenidae.
- ม้า (Proper name) [Thai] (classifier ดวง) (ดาว~) Beta Arietis.
- ม้า (Noun) [Thai] mother; also used as a term of address to or title for such person, and used by such person to refer to oneself.
- อาชา (Noun) [Thai] horse
- เบ๊ (Noun) [Thai] servant; slave; subordinate; attendant.
- แสะ (Noun) [Thai] horse: Equus caballus.
- རྟ (Noun) [Dzongkha] horse
- རྟ (Noun) [Ladakhi] horse
- རྟ (Noun) [Tibetan] horse
- རྟ་ཁེབས (Noun) [Tibetan] horse blanket
- རྨང (Noun) [Tibetan] horse
- ʾswbʾl (Noun) [Middle Persian] horseman, rider
- ܐܘܫܢܐ (Adjective) [Classical Syriac] lustful, wanton
- ܐܘܫܢܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] stallion, stud
- ܐܣܦܪܝܣܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] hippodrome, racecourse
- ܙܝܢܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] armed force
- ܙܝܢܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] armed force
- ܙܡܡܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] murmur, whisper
- ܙܢܩܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] comet, meteor
- ܚܘܛܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] gait (of a horse)
- ܚܠܣܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] horsecloth, saddle
- ܚܪܩܛܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] heel, ankle, anklebone
- ܠܘܓܡܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] jaw
- ܠܘܪܐ (Proper name) [Classical Syriac] Lyra
- ܡܪܟܒܬܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] horsecloth, saddle
- ܢܥܠܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] horseshoe
- ܣܘܣܝܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] healing, tending, nursing
- ܣܘܣܬܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] vine-infesting worm
- ܣܩܠܐ (Adverb) [Classical Syriac] squatting, sitting down, cross-legged
- ܣܪܓܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] saddler, saddlemaker
- ܥܝܠܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] colt, foal (horse, donkey, or mule)
- ܥܪܩܬܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] thwart
- ܦܝܘܣܝܓ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] noose, snare
- ܦܪܫܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] horseman
- ܦܪܫܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] oxgoad
- ܩܕܠܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] top or end of an egg
- ܪܟܫܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] horses, equines
- अरबी (Noun) [Hindi] Arabian horse
- अश्व (Noun) [Hindi] horse
- अश्व (Noun) [Sanskrit] Sagittarius
- अश्वमेध (Noun) [Sanskrit] horse sacrifice, the Ashvamedha ritual
- अश्वश्चन्द्र (Adjective) [Sanskrit] splendid or brilliant with horses
- अश्विन् (Adjective) [Sanskrit] possessed of horses, consisting of horses (RV.)
- आशु (Adverb) [Sanskrit] quickly, quick, swiftly, rapidly
- काठियावाड़ी (Adjective) [Hindi] Kathiawari (of or relating to Kathiawar)
- काठियावाड़ी (Noun) [Hindi] Kathiawari (person from Kathiawar)
- काठियावाड़ी (Noun) [Hindi] Kathiawari (horse of an Indian breed originating in the Kathiawar peninsula)
- गन्धर्व (Noun) [Sanskrit] a male given name
- घोट (Noun) [Sanskrit] the beard (Gal.)
- घोड़ा (Noun) [Hindi] knight
- ज़ीन (Noun) [Hindi] saddle
- दण्ड (Noun) [Sanskrit] Shiva
- रोहित (Noun) [Sanskrit] a male given name
- लगाम (Noun) [Hindi] bridle
- सलोतरी (Noun) [Hindi] solutri (a veterinarian, especially one specialising in the care of military horses)
- स्वश्व (Adjective) [Sanskrit] having excellent horses, well mounted, well yoked
- हय (Noun) [Sanskrit] a horse
- हरित् (Noun) [Sanskrit] a quarter of the sky
- ह्वार्य (Noun) [Sanskrit] horse
- ᚓᚊᚐᚄ (Noun) [Primitive Irish] horse
- ᠠᠯᠠᡧᠠᠨ (Noun) [Manchu] inferior horse; jade
- 𐰀𐰴 (Adjective) [Old Turkic] white
- 𐰋𐰃 (Noun) [Old Turkic] mare
- 𐰑𐰍𐰺 (Noun) [Old Turkic] stallion
- 𐰖𐰆𐰣𐱃 (Noun) [Old Turkic] horse
- 𐰘𐰃𐰠 (Noun) [Old Turkic] mane
- 𐱃 (Character) [Old Turkic] A letter of the Old Turkic runic script, representing /t/, used with back vowels.
- 𐱃𐰆𐰺𐰍 (Adjective) [Old Turkic] bay reddish-brown
- 𐽰𐽰𐾀 (Noun) [Old Uyghur] fame, reputation, renown; notoriety
- 𔑮𔗔 (Noun) [Luwian] horse
- 𘆽 (Character) [Tangut] the Horse, the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 午 (wǔ)).
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